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160 Watchers53 Deviations
My good friend Arminius1871 recently put up a quite interesting poll about how many people actually want to life forever.…

The comment I wrote under the poll became very long so I want to use the Journal to mark it as my opinion on the matter, once again. I also really want to hear the Opinion of my Watchers about that, so feel free to comment or take part in the poll.

"The Deviants voting for eternal life forget a few risks wich comes with it, and it's not just about being a part of overpopulation when you live an eternal life.

First off we have to clarify what "Death" is and why Death happens. 
Death is unavoidable. Its the end of your lifespan and no mammal could ever escape its fate. That is because Death itself is an important step of Evolution. With death the genetics of a lifeform have the chance to adapt to enviornmental influences and change. 

The eternal life isn't so pleasing like most people would assume. Just imagine living for hundreds or even thousands of years. The first thought is probabaly "Wow, now I will have enough time to fulfill all my dreams!" But in reality you will get bored easily after a while. Because there comes a time when you experienced it all, stimulation becomes rare and even with new possibilities it will be frustrating at some point. Seeing technological progress, being part of colonizing planets, over and over and over again the same process. 

This is also the reason for getting mental illnesses from living such a long life. How fast will it happen that Depression will kick in because of the fact that you can't experience anything exciting anymore? And what an unbelievable torture it is to wait for the time to pass when you all experienced it beforehand? It's the same like sitting in a room and waiting for you to get called by the nurse.  A minute feels like eternity. 

Our brain capacities are limited aswell. So you wont remember all thoses years and become incapable to recall memories rapidly like we usually do when being asked:"Hey, do you remember when we played Volleyball on the beach that one summer?" It may interferes with seeing the things all over again and therefore not having new excitment, but this interference is soon destroid when we take the example of us wanting to rewatch an old movie, or rereading abook we didn't touch in ages: We will have fractures of memories still stored in our brain and it will soon boring because we already expect what will happen. 

In the end, death makes life valueable and people will try to make the best out of it, instead of sitting it out."
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Recently I wanted to try something new, besides DeviantArt. So I got the idea to support a not well-known, but great and unique genre of music: Martial Industrial. 
It's characterized by a dark, neofolk-ish and neoclassical tune, often with recorded political speeches. (read up…

I focused on alternate WWI history, representing the decay of the soldiers hope.

Weltenbrand by nachtmahr2
Music Mix WWI Themed: [link]

For the video, I picked songs which fits into the topic of the WWI and tried to create an apocalyptic picture which doesn't require much words, but only itself for expression. 

Well, I had pretty much fun working on this^^ So maybe I will do more with other key subjects.

Tell me what you think^^
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The other week I came along an popular Anti-Bullying picture on deviantart. I made my position clear but since nobody else replied, and the topic and opinions of others are so interesting on this one, I would like to make a Journal about it. 

This is the original comment:

"Well, bullying is always a bad thing with fatal consequences. However, you can't always push the sufferer into the victimhood. What I want to say is, that there is often a reason for the bullying. Bullying doesn't emerge from the void. In almost every case, the reason for it lies in the personality and social competence of the victim. Whether they don't act like they should in their age or situation, for example bring up extraordinary interests in inappropriate situations or being very insecure. 
We have to look from both sides. The view of the victim and the view of the bullies.

Because bullying can also cause a reflection of negative personal aspects and lead to self-improvement of the said victim."

It has to be said that neither the victim, the Bully nor bullying itself is meant to be glorified or defended by this. It's just an objective view of how I see these kind of things. So I would like to hear your opinion about it^^
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So I was thinking about if I should share this or not, because normally I wouldn't let my private life be involved with DeviantArt. But I just want to make this public by now.

Recently I was doing a late-night shopping with a friend of mine in a mall towards 22:00. There weren't much people left. It was pretty relaxing but when we stand in a small floor next to the main floor) were the elevators are, two young muslims came across the corner.

For a better understanding; on some occasions like going out with friends or other appropriate oppurtunities, I wear a small, unobtrusive Iron Cross necklace. I am pretty sure that you are aware of my love for my culture and my attempt to defend and clean it from the Nazi-Image. So obviously my interest has an impact on my lifestyle. 
And no, I am not a Weeb or a fan of Hetalia. They should stop abuse the Prussia's Image. And yes, that is really insulting when you like the real Prussia and it's real history, and everywhere there you look it gets associated with the Anime. But let's return to the topic. 

I can tell only from their style of walking that these two were real into the typicall lifestyle of young muslims. Glorifying criminals, love their countries although they never saw them and feel like the world belongs to them. So they saw me standing there with my friend, as they saw my necklace. They ran to the elevator while shouting at me "oh scheiße...SIEG HEIL" with a mocking overtone before the door of the elevator closed. 

I wasn't upset that they brought up that association with the time of Nazi-Germany, but with this brazen behaviour of them. Even in times of PEGIDA, AfD and generally growing hate against Islam they try to challenge it. And they are not the only ones who act like this. It's always the same with young muslims. Act strong, arrogant and think whole germany kneels down for them. This country has this problem for decades now, everyone knows that, but it's tolerated by society. 

Someone has to rebuke these muslims for their behaviour and their lies. We need authoritarian forces which breaking their wall of haughtiness! They are very aggresive and ready to for violent acts.

This is our country! And then they can't respect our culture, they can stay in the desert!
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Sozialismus ist eine Form von Autismus

Wie die von der Entwicklungsstörung Autismus betroffenen Menschen leiden auch Sozialisten unter der fehlenden Fähigkeit, zu erkennen warum der Mensch so ist wie er ist, und warum er so lebt wie er lebt. Im Kapitalismus bzw. von Emotionen geleitet.

Eine sehr große Beeinträchtigung, verursacht von dieser Krankheit, ist die fehlende Empathie für soziale Interaktionen die oftmals zur unangemessenen Einschätzungen von Gefühlslagen führt. Das verursacht fehlendes Verständnis warum Menschen Freude, Wut oder Trauer empfinden. Emotionen die die Grundlage der Menschlichen Handlungen bilden.
Ebenso wenig können Sozialisten eben diese Emotionen nachvollziehen. Menschen haben Gefühle. Das menschliche Handeln basiert auf diesen. Eifersucht, Gier aber auch Gutmütigkeit. Jedoch versucht der Sozialist diese Gefühle durch eine staatliche Übernahme des privaten Eigentums und Besitz zu überspielen. Dabei vernachlässigt er, das Menschen Besitz und auch Wettbewerb brauchen, um ihre Gefühle und somit das Mensch-sein voll ausleben zu können.

Eine weitere Kennzeichnung einer autistischen Störung ist die Beeinträchtigung der Kommunikation. Es mangelt an Emotionalität auf verbaler und nonverbaler Ebene, so das der Empfänger die gesendeten Signale falsch verstehen kann.
Wie die Geschichte schon gezeigt hat, ist auch bei der sozialistischen Planwirtschaft Kommunikation stark beeinträchtigt (Beispiel Sowjet-Union). Sogar so stark beeinträchtigt, dass Bauern 1932/33 kaum Nahrungsmittel zur Verfügung hatten. Bilanz: 3,5 Million Tote.

Sozialisten neigen zur Gewalt. Seien es die Aufstände am Tag der Arbeit oder Demonstrationen gegen den bösen kapitalistischen Staat. Oftmals entsteht dadurch ein Sachschaden in unvorstellbarer Höhe an Kosten.
Autisten haben desöfteren extreme Wutanfälle in denen sie mit Sachen um sich schmeißen oder kaputt gemacht werden.

Verwunderlich sind diese Parallelen nicht. Sozialisten sind anscheinend nicht in der Lage die Bedürfnisse eines Menschen zu erkennen und wollen ihm genau diese wegnehmen.


Socialism is a distinct form of autism

Like the people who are affected by the developmental disorder Autism,
socialists also suffer from the missing ability to recognize the human nature,
how humans live and why.

A very big impairment is the lack of empathy for social interaction, which often
lead to inappropriate assessments of emotional states. That causes missing
comprehension why people feel happiness, anger or sadness. Emotions
which form the basis of human actions.
Alike them, socialists can't understand these emotions. Humans have
Feelings. The Human actions are based on them. Jealousness, greed but
also good-heartedness. But the socialist tries to palliate the takeover of
property by the state. At the same time he is neglecting the fact that humans
need competition and property to run free on their lifes.

Another marking of an autistic disorder is the interference of communication.
Theres a lack of  emotionality on a verbal and nonverbal level, so the recipient
could misunderstand the sent signals.
There was also a lack of communication at the socialistic controlled economy
like history shows us (e.g. Soviet-Union).  In fact, this lack of communication
became such a big problem, that the people living at the countryside 1932/33
couldn't be provided with food. Result: 3,5 million dead.

Socialists tend to violent actions. Be it the Labor Day or just a demonstration
against the evil capitalistic state.That often causes a material damage of
inconceivable high costs.
Autists rampage very frequently too, throw and destroy stuff.

These comparisons aren't surprising. Socialists are obviously not in the
position to recognize the necessities of humans and want to remove these.

NOTE: Shitpost :^)
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Statement to eternal life by nachtmahr2, journal

WWI themed music mix (Non-Historical) by nachtmahr2, journal

My Opinion on Bullying by nachtmahr2, journal

A little rant about muslim aggressors by nachtmahr2, journal

Socialism is a distinct form of autism [DE/ENG] by nachtmahr2, journal